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Staff Mobility

Further education with Erasmus+ - the international dimension for our personnel

It is a particular concern of our university to enable our employees as well as employees from our partner institutions to take part in teaching or availing themselves of further training mobility.

Personnel mobility offers insights into fields of work at partner universities and strengthens the basis for internationalisation. In addition, intercultural competencies and foreign language skills are promoted.

Erasmus+ mobility for teaching purposes (Staff Teaching)

As a guest lecturer, your stay will contribute to strengthening the European dimension of the host university, complement its range of courses and exchange experiences in the field of teaching and research. As a rule, guest lectures are integrated into the study programme of the host institution; the minimum teaching requirement is eight hours and the minimum stay two days.

Erasmus+ mobility for training purposes (Staff Training)

A training period at a partner university or in a company in an Erasmus+ programme country may include short periods of cooperation, job shadowing, study visits, workshops, etc. and must last a minimum of two days.

The objectives of mobility are to enable the acquisition of knowledge or specific expertise from experience and good practice abroad, as well as practical skills relevant to the current job and career development, and to support cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises.

EN Funded by the EU PANTONE

This project was funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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