The Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management deals with industry-relevant issues during the entire product life cycle. In addition to teaching theoretical concepts, special attention is paid to ensuring that students acquire practical skills.

Read about our current activities on our LinkedIn profile.


As a recognized partner for applied research and training in the field of industrial engineering and management, our teaching and research is geared to current developments and challenges in industry. In research, we initiate and actively engage in future- and practice-orientated research projects. We train our students in a scientifically well-founded and practical way. The institute maintains a regular dialogue with regional industry, experts, other research and educational institutions and students.

With a total of 9 employees and more than 30 external lecturers who work in this field, we are able to offer our teaching and research skills in almost all areas of industrial engineering and management.


We offer our many years of teaching expertise in various study programs and professional development courses. This includes the content-related and didactic design of courses and the professional and methodical supervision of Bachelor papers and Master’s theses in the institute areas of competence.

The Industrial Management department is currently teaching courses in the following study programs and professional development courses:


A motivated team with many years of research experience in the field of industrial engineering and management carries out practical research projects with regional industrial companies.

Research areas

  • Design and optimization of industrial production and logistics systems
  • Digitization and artificial intelligence in industrial production
  • Sustainability and circularity in industrial production

Research infrastructure

  • Factory Lab - Complete small scale production line for research and education
  • Innovation Lab - Fab Lab and Open Factory for innovation, development and research and education
  • for details please see


Grano, Alice/Erol, Selim (2023): Makerspace Goes Digital – Digital Tools to Support Collaborative Innovation in an Academic Makerspace. In: 7th International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces ISAM 2023 (Hrsg.). Pittsburgh, US.
Shaloo, Masoud/Princz, Gabor/Erol, Selim (2023): Flexible automation of quality inspection in parts assembly using CNN-based machine learning. In: 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing ISM 2023. Lisbon. Procedia Computer Science (Hrsg.). Elsevier. Lisbon, PT.
Princz, Gabor/Shaloo, Masoud/Erol, Selim (2023): Anomaly Detection in Binary Time Series Data: An unsupervised Machine Learning Approach for Condition Monitoring. In: 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing ISM 2023. Lisbon. Procedia Computer Science (Hrsg.). Elsevier.
Grano, Alice/Erol, Selim (2023): Exploring the fabrication lab concept for learning sustainable co-innovation in industrial engineering education – an action research case from Austria. In: European Conference on Engineering Education, SEFI 2023 (Hrsg.). SEFI. Dublin, IR.
Shaloo, Masoud/Princz, Gabor/Erol, Selim (2023): Real-time color detection for automated production lines using CNN-based machine learning. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS,volume 745), International Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Automation ISIEA 2023 (Hrsg.): Springer. Bozen, IT.
Princz, Gabor/Shaloo, Masoud/Erol, Selim (2023): A literature review on the prediction and monitoring of assembly and disassembly processes in discrete make-to-order production in SMEs with machine vision technologies. In: Proceedings of the 2023 10th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (Hrsg.): ACM. Rome, IT.
Erol, Selim/Pieber, Johanna/Hofer, Florian/Princz, Gabor (2022): Fabrication Labs as Essential Building blocks of Regional Innovations Systems. In: FHK (Hrsg.).
Erol, Selim/Pieber, Johanna/Hofer, Florian (2022): Exploring the Fabrication Lab concept in the context of Industrial Engineering Education – An action research case from Austria. In: 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (Hrsg.). SCIEI. Barcelona.
Romauch, Martin/Erol, Selim/Kühnen, Jakob (2020): Achieving long term sustainable multicriteria goalswith operational and tactical decisions. In: EurOMA. online.
Romauch, Martin/ Kühnen, Jakob/ Erol, Selim (2020): Achieving long term sustainable multicriteria goals with operational and tactical decisions. In: EurOMA 2020, Warwick /
Brodschelm, Dominik/Erol, Selim/Kühnen, Jakob (2020): Integriertes Energie- und Produktionsmanagement für Industriebetriebe – eine Simulationsstudie. In: Institut für Elektrizitätswirtschaft und Energieinnovation (IEE), Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz) (Hrsg.): 10.3217/978-3-85125-734-2. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz. Graz.
Erol, Selim/Klug, Siegrun (2020): Together We are Less Alone - A Concept for a Regional Open Innovation Learning Lab. In: CIRP (Hrsg.). Procedia CIRP. Graz.
Erol, Selim (2019): Industrie 4.0 - Gedanken über die Zukunft der Produktion in Europa und aktuelle Forschungsaktivitäten in der Industrie 4.0 Pilotfabrik der TU Wien. In: Achammer, Christoph; Kovacic, Iva (Hrsg.). Klein Publishing. Wien.
Erol, Selim (2017): “Lotsize 1” – Effects of Individualization on Planning and Control of Production Systems. In: Wien.
Erol, Selim (2017): Recalling the rationale of change from process model revision comparison – A change-pattern based approach. In: Computers in Industry, Elsevier. Brussels.
Erol, Selim/Hold, Philipp (2016): Keeping Track of the Physical in Assembly Processes. In: 10.1109/EDOCW.2016.7584365. IEEE. Wien.
Erol, Selim/Jäger, Andreas/Hold, Philipp/Ott, Karl/Sihn, Wilfried (2016): Tangible Industry 4.0: a scenario-based approach to learning for the future of production. In: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.03.162. CIRP. Gjøvik, Norway.
Erol, Selim (2016): Collaborative Modeling of Manufacturing Processes – a Wiki-Based Approach. In: Springer. Sydney.
Erol, Selim; Wilfried, Sihn (2016): Intelligent Production Planning and Control in the Cloud – Towards a Scalable Software Architecture. In: CIRP (Hrsg.): 10.1016/j.procir.2017.01.003. Procedia CIRP. Ischia/Italy.
Schumacher, Andreas/Erol, Selim/Sihn, Wilfried (2016): A maturity model for assessing Industry 4.0 readiness and maturity of manufacturing enterprises. In: CIRP (Hrsg.): Procedia CIRP. Bath / UK.

Head of Institute

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