FHWN 0519 5664 Pletterbauer

Leadership Excellence Programme

We promote excellence

“It is a great programme that really motivated and inspired me.”

“I gained valuable practical insights, especially as a result of the great people and the very personal feeling of working in small groups.”

“Thank you for investing and believing in us.”

That is how our graduates have expressed their thoughts about the Leadership Excellence Programme.

The University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt uses this programme to offer the highest achieving students an extraordinary opportunity to further grow and develop their leadership skills. Building on the solid training within the master's programmes, the Leadership Excellence Programme supplements the existing curriculum by offering a variety of valuable educational and networking opportunities.

First-class speakers with expertise in business, administration, sports and culture share their accomplishments with high-potential students in exclusive sessions. Programme graduates are transformed into highly coveted applicants on the job market, with outstanding career prospects made available to them.

We deliberately focus on leadership because we believe that you, as a future leader, will take on responsibility and play a central role in dealing with current and future (social) challenges.

How do you join our Leadership Excellence Programme?

Every autumn, students who are in their third semester at the Faculty of Business are invited to apply for the Leadership Excellence Programme. A jury of experts at the Institute of Management & Leadership Development selects 24 participants from the pool of applications. These participants will have won us over with their motivation letter and their academic success. They have shown that they are willing to go the extra mile and are keen to take responsibility for their personal and professional development.

We cordially invite you to take this opportunity and look forward to seeing you!

Eindrücke unserer Alumnis

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Stimmen von Alumnis des Leadership-Exzellenzprogramms der FH Wiener Neustadt.


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