International Week 2025
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Global Business - Navigating a World in Motion
Die Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt (FHWN) lädt Sie herzlich ein, an der International Week 2025 teilzunehmen!
Diese Veranstaltung bietet eine Plattform für bestehende und zukünftige FHWN-Partner weltweit, um einen Vortrag oder Workshop zum übergreifenden Thema „Global Business - Navigating a World in Motion“ zu veranstalten. Erleben Sie mit uns einen dynamischen viertägigen Austausch von Ideen während wir die Komplexität des globalen Geschäftslebens erforschen.
Im Rahmen der International Week lädt das FHWN-Business-Seminar (10. Mai 2025) zu einem abwechslungsreichen Tag ein, bei welchem zahlreiche Geschäftspartner und -partnerinnen, Fakultätsmitarbeitende und über 300 Studierende der FHWN zusammenkommen, um spannende Einblicke zu gewinnen und wertvolle Kontakte zu knüpfen. Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, Kontakte zu knüpfen, Erkenntnisse auszutauschen und die Zukunft der globalen Wirtschaft gemeinsam zu gestalten.
Workshops and Lectures
mehrThe FHWN International Week 2025 offers a unique platform for our international guests to conduct short engaging and impactful sessions for FHWN bachelor students. Each speaker is invited to lead a 1 to 1.5-hour lecture or workshop, allowing flexibility for short, innovative presentations.
The broad theme opens up opportunities to explore key topics like Globalization, Market Trends, Innovation, Global Trade and Cross-Cultural Business, Digital Transformation, Supply Chain Dynamics, Innovation and Technological Disruption, Economic growth, Diversity & Inclusion, and global cooperations an future trends.
This event provides lecturers the chance to share expertise, inspire the next generation, and showcase cutting-edge ideas in their fields while fostering global connections and professional growth in an interactive, dynamic setting.
mehrThe agenda will be published in January 2025.
Location: City Campus / Wiener Neustadt
mehrWiener Neustadt, a historic city just 25 minutes by train from Vienna's main station, offers an ideal blend of medieval charm and modern convenience. Known as a hub for education and commerce, the city hosts a thriving cultural scene and is home to the FHWN City Campus, located centrally and just a 10-minute walk from the train station. This accessible and vibrant setting provides an inspiring backdrop for the International Week 2025, where participants can easily connect, learn, and celebrate global diversity.
mehrWe recommend booking a room directly in Wiener Neustadt or alternatively, if you prefer to stay directly in Vienna, to choose a hotel close to Vienna main station ("Hauptbahnhof Wien").
- Wiener Neustadt
The Hilton Garden Inn Hotel is located within walking distance from the City Campus (7 minutes). Please reach out to the FHWN International Office to receive a code for our reduced room rate there.
- Vienna / main station
If you prefer experiencing more Viennese vibes, there is a large offer of hotels of different categories located around Vienna main station ("Hauptbahnhof Wien"), from which Wiener Neustadt is within close distance. Here are some examples:
Is there financial support for participating in the International Week?
mehrPlease be aware that participation in the International Week does not include financial compensation or reimbursement of expenses. The International Week meets the general requirements for Erasmus+ staff mobility. However, participation alone does not guarantee Erasmus+ funding. Funding decisions are managed by your home university according to its own grant policies, so we encourage you to contact your home university to explore available funding options.