FHWN campus wieselburg 01 shooting pletterbauer 2021 web
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dr.

Gabriel Reichert

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Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dr.

Gabriel Reichert



Lecturer / Researcher Institute for Sustainability


Campus Wieselburg
Zeiselgraben 4
3250 Wieselburg
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Research Activities


    The Institute for Sustainability and the Department of Consumer Science at the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt at the Campus Wieselburg, together with numerous research and industry partners, are researching the needs of potential members of energy communities as well as the requirements for communication interfaces in order to be able to integrate, for example, photovoltaic systems, battery storage and electric charging stations into an energy community. Further research topics concern the optimal planning of energy communities and their organizational forms.

  • E-Red

    State-of-the-art of potential primary and secondary measures for slow heat release appliances regarding effects on emissions and thermal efficiency

  • RealLifeBiomass

    The active involvement of end users in further awareness raising is the key element of WP3. Interested house owners (n=100) are actively involved in measures and methods for the sustainable improvement of air quality and for optimizing the operation of their own heating system. A citizen science approach is chosen (end users collect data on their heating behavior themselves and then forward it to the project consortium), leading to increased end-user awareness.


  • Reichert, G., Schmidl, C. (2023): SWOT Analysis of Non-Technical and Technical Measures towards “(Nearly) Zero-Emission Stove Technologies” .
  • Reichert, G., Schmidl C. (2022): SWOT-Analysis of primary and secondary measures for firewood stoves.
  • Reichert, G., Schmidl, C. (2022): Advanced Test Methods for Pellet Stoves - Report on Consequences of Real-Life Operation on Stove Performance.
  • Reichert, G., Schmidl, C. (2021): RWC -Towards Low Emission Systems Real life test methods for log wood and pellet stoves.
  • Sturmlechner, R., Schmidl, C., Carlon E., Reichert, G., Stressler, H., Klauser, F., Kelz, J., Schwabl, M., Kirchsteiger, B., Kasper-Giebl, A., Höftberger, E., Haslinger, W. (2019): Real-life Emission Factor Assessment for Biomass Heating appliances at a Field Measurement Campaign in Styria, Austria.
  • Reichert, G. (2018): Optimization of Real-Life Performance of Firewood Stoves by Technological and Non-Technological Measures.
  • Reichert, G., Schmidl, C., Haslinger, W., Stressler, H., Sturmlechner, R., Schwabl, M., Hochenauer, C. (2018): Novel Method Evaluating Real-Life Performance of Firewood Roomheaters in Europe.
  • Reichert, G., Schmidl, C., Haslinger, W., Stressler, H., Sturmlechner, R., Schwabl, M., Wöhler, M., Hochenauer, C. (2018): Catalytic efficiency of oxidizing honeycomb catalysts integrated in firewood stoves evaluated by a novel measuring methodology under real-life operating conditions.
  • Reichert, G., Schmidl, C., Haslinger, W., Stressler, H., Sturmlechner, R., Schwabl, M., Wöhler, M., Hochenauer, C. (2018): Impact of oxidizing honeycomb catalysts integrated in firewood stoves on emissions under real-life operating conditions.
  • Reichert, G., Schmidl, C. (2018): Advanced Test Methods for Firewood Stoves - Report on consequences of real-life operation on stove performance.
  • Reichert, G., Schmidl, C., Haslinger, W., Stressler, H., Sturmlechner, R., Schwabl, M., Kienzl, N., Hochenauer, C. (2017): Long term durability and safety aspects of oxidizing honeycomb catalysts integrated in firewood stoves.
  • Bachmaier, H., Oehler, H., Hartmann, H., Rönnbäck, M., Persson, H., Jespersen, M.G., Jensen, J.H., Schmidl, C., Reichert, G., Pelz, S., Wöhler, M. (2017): Bereal - method for pellet stoves: Field test and round robin.
  • Sturmlechner, R., Stressler, H., Schwabl, M., Reichert, G., Carlon, E., Haslinger, W., Schmidl, C., Weissinger, A. (2017): Emission factor assessment for two firewood stoves.
  • Wöhler, M., Jaeger, D., Reichert, G., Schmidl, C., Pelz, S.K. (2016): Influence of pellet length on performance of pellet room heaters under real life operation conditions.
  • Reichert, G., Hartmann, H., Haslinger, W., Oehler, H., Mack, R., Schmidl, C., Schön, C., Schwabl, M., Stressler, H., Sturmlechner, R., Hochenauer, C. (2016): Effect of draught conditions and ignition technique on combustion performance of firewood roomheaters.
  • Reichert, G., Schmidl, C., Haslinger, W., Schwabl, M., Moser, W., Aigenbauer, S., Wöhler, M., Hochenauer, C. (2016): Investigation of user behavior and assessment of typical operation mode for different types of firewood room heating appliances in Austria.
  • Wöhler, M., Andersen, J.S., Becker, G., Persson, H., Reichert, G., Schön, C., Schmidl, C., Jaeger, D., Pelz, S.K. (2016): Investigation of real life operation of biomass room heating appliances – Results of a European survey.
  • Oehler, H., Mack, R., Hartmann, H., Pelz, S., Wöhler, M., Schmidl, C., Reichert, G. (2016): Development of a test procedure to reflect the real life operation of pellet stoves.
  • Sturmlechner, R., Reichert, G., Stressler, H., Aigenbauer, S., Schmidl, C., Schwabl, M., Haslinger, W. (2016): Influence of leak tightness and heat storage capacity of biomass room heating appliances on thermal efficiency.
  • Reichert, G., Stressler, H., Schmidl, C., Schwabl, M., Sturmlechner, R., Haslinger, W., Hochenauer, C. (2016): Emission reduction of firewood roomheaters by optimization of operating conditions and catalyst integration.
  • Reichert, G., Hartmann, H., Haslinger, W., Oehler, H., Pelz, S., Schmidl, C., Schwabl, M., Stressler, H., Sturmlechner, R., Wöhler, M., Hochenauer, C. (2016): “Bereal” – development of a new test method for firewood room heaters reflecting real life operation.