20180918 FHWN 2016 64037 BEA Himmelverlaengert Dunkelblau ansicht
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

Carsten Scharlemann

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Dipl.-Ing. Dr.

Carsten Scharlemann


Head of Master Aerospace Engineering


Campus 1 Wiener Neustadt
Johannes Gutenberg-Straße 3
2700 Wiener Neustadt
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Study Programmes / Courses of Studies

Research Activities

  • CubeSat CLIMB Phase 2

    The CubeSat mission CLIMB is the second CubeSat mission of the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt. Starting from a low Earth orbit, CLIMB will slowly increase its orbit up to 1000 km. The main goal of CLIMB is to reach the inner layer of the Van Allen belt, which starts roughly at an altitude of 1000 km. Measurements of the accumulated radiation dose and the magnetic field will be conducted.

  • SEESat

    “Flight heritage” of electronic components is often very unspecific information. Therefore, we propose the exploration of a particle spectrometer for the assessment of the space mission radiation environment with respect to single event effects. We will design a concept for the particle spectrometer and compare it with existing approaches. We will test the spectrometer concept in a proton radiation environment (MedAustron). This particle dosimeter will enable both traditional and new space to improve and enhance information on “flight heritage”, especially during solar storms, and will contribute to the entire space weather community.

  • DEEP

    The objective of this project, funded by the FFG under the COIN program "Aufbau", is to build R&D competence to expand test and analysis capabilities specifically for small satellite systems (CubeSat).


  • Bonifacio,S./Russo Sorge, A./Krejci, D/Woschnak, A/Scharlemann, C. (2014): Novel Manufacturing method for hydrogen peroxide catalysts: A performance verification. In: Journal of Propulsion and Power.
  • K. Torkar, K./ Nakamura, R./Tajmar, M./ Scharlemann, C./Jeszenszky, H/Laky, G./Fremuth, G./Escoubet, C.P./Svenes , K. (2014): Active Spacecraft Potential Control Investigation.
  • Schiebl, M./Woschnak, A./Krejci, D./Winter, F./Scharlemann, C. (2013): Modeling of Jet Autoignition in a Microrocket Combustion Chamber. In: Journal of Propulsion and Power. Journal of Propulsion and Power.
  • Woschnak, A./ Krejci, D./ Schiebl, M./ Scharlemann, C. (2013): Development of a green bipropellant hydrogen peroxide thruster for attitude control on satellites. In: Progress in Propulsion Physics 4.
  • Krejci,D./Woschnak,Alexander/Schiebl,Marx/Scharlemann,Carsten/Ponweiser,Karl/Brahmi,Rachid/Batonneau, Yann/Kappenstein, Charles (2013): Assessment of Catalysts for Hydrogen-Peroxide-Based Thrusters in a Flow Reactor. In: Journal of Propulsion and Power. Journal of Propulsion and Power.
  • Schiebl, M./Woschnak, A./Krejci,D., Winter,F/Scharlemann,C. (2013): Modeling of Jet Autoignition in a Microrocket Combustion Chamber. In: Journal of Propulsion and Power.
  • Krejci,D./Seifert,B/Scharlemann,C. (2013): Endurance testing of a pulsed Plasma thruster for Nanosatellites. In: ActaAstronautica 91(2013).
  • Schuh, S/Woschnak,A./Scharlemann,C. (2013): Impact of characteristic length L* on a green 1 newton Bi-propellant thruster which is based on HTP and Kerosene. In: München 2013.
  • Seifert, B./Reissner,A./Buldrini,N./Plesescu, F./Scharlemann,C./Bulit,A./Gonzales del Amo, J. (2013): Development and Verification of a µN Thrust Balance for High Voltage Electric Propulsion Systems.
  • C. Scharlemann,C./ Buldrini,N./Killinger,R./DiCara,D. (2013): Test of a novel FEEP emitter with LISA PF thruster hardware.
  • Reissner,A./Buldrini,N./Seifert,B./Plesescu,F./Scharlemann,C/Gonzales del Amo,J. (2013): mN-FEEP Thruster Module Design and Preliminary Performance Testing.
  • Batonneau,Y/Brahmi,R./Cartoixa,B./Farhat,K./Kappenstein,C./Keav,S./Kharchafi-Farhat,G./Pirault-Roy,L./Saouabé,M./Scharlemann,C. (2013): Green Propulsion: Catalysts for the European FP7 Project GRASP. In: Special topics in Catalysis.
  • Krejci, D./Woschnak, A./Scharlemann, C./Ponweiser, K. (2013): Performance Assessment of 1 N Bipropellant Thruster Using Green Propellants H2O2/Kerosene. In: Journal of Propulsion and Power. Journal of Propulsion and Power.
  • Woschnak, A./Krejci, D./Schiebl, M./Scharlemann, C. (2013): Development of a green bipropellant hydrogen peroxide thruster for attitude control on satellites. In: Progress in Propulsion Physics . Progress in Propulsion Physics 4 (20139.
  • Krejci, D./Woschnak, A./Schiebl, M./Scharlemann, C./Ponweiser, K./Brahmi, R./Batonneau, Y./Kappenstein, C. (2013): Assessment of Catalysts for Hydrogen-Peroxide-Based Thrusters in a Flow Reactor. In: Journal of Propulsion and Power. Journal of Propulsion and Power.
  • Schuh, S./Woschnak, A./Scharlemann, C. (2013): Impact of characteristic length L* on a green 1 newton Bi-propellant thruster which is based on HTP and Kerosene. In: Konferenz EUCASS (Hrsg.): EUCASS proceedings.
  • Krejci, D./Seifert, B./Scharlemann, C. (2013): Endurance testing of a pulsed Plasma thruster for Nanosatellites. In: ActaAstronautica. ActaAstronautica. 91(2013).
  • Krejci, D./Woschnak, A./Scharlemann, C./Ponweiser, K. (2012): Structural Impact of Honeycomb Catalysts on Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition for Micro Propulsion. In: Chemical Engineering Research and Design, ChERD-2012. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, ChERD-2012.
  • Krejci, D./Woschnak, A./Scharlemann, C. (2011): Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition for Micro Propulsion: Simulation and Experimental Verification. In: 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit.
  • Tajmar, M./Scharlemann, C. (2011): Development of electrical and chemical microthrusters. In: International Journal of Aerospace Engineering. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering.
  • Hidding, B./Lorenz, P./Klaus, F./Hundsdörfer, C./Kornath, A./Kaufmann, A./Hadjizadeh, S.M./Soltner, T./Klapötke, T./Fikri, M./Bozkurt, M./Dürrstein, S.H./Schulz, C./Zhu, X./Möller, M./Bruno, C./Simone, D./Vergine, F./Eisenreich, N./Scharlemann, C.A./Pfitzner, M./Lang, M./Langel, G./Ellerbrock, H./Delis, J./Wagner, R. (2011): Recent Activities in Silicon Hydride Research in Europe. In: 17th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference.
  • Scharlemann, C./Buldrini, N./Killinger, R./Jentsch, M./Polli, A./Ceruti, L./Serafini, L./Dicara, D./Nicolini, D. (2011): Qualification Test Series of the Indium Needle FEEP Micro-Propulsion System for LISA Pathfinder. In: Acta Astronautica. Acta Astronautica.
  • Brahmi, R./Saouabé, M./Farhat, K./Batonneau, Y./Kappenstein, C./Scharlemann, C./Woschnak, A./Wingborg, N. (2011): Thermal and catalytic decomposition of energetic ionic liquids on Pt-based catalysts. In: 4th Conference on Ionic Liquid.
  • Batonneau, Y./Brahami, R./Farhat, K./Saouabe, M./Kappenstein, C./Woschnak, A./Scharlemann, C. (2011): Thermal and catalytic decomposition of AN and ADN-based energetic ionic liquids. In: 4th European Conferenc for Aerospace Sciences.
  • Woschnak, A./Krejci, D./Schiebl, M./Scharlemann, C. (2011): Development of a Green Bi-Propellant Hydrogen Peroxide Thruster for Attitude Control on Satellites. In: 4th European Conferenc for Aerospace Sciences.
  • Scharlemann, C. (2011): Experimental verification of green propellant candidates – an overview of GRASP activities. In: 4th European Conferenc for Aerospace Sciences.
  • Scharlemann, C. (2011): Green Advanced Space Propulsion – A project status. In: 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit.
  • Vasiljevich, I./Buldrini, N./Plesescu, F./Scharlemann, C. (2011): Performance of Porous Tungsten Needle LMIS for Use as Indium FEEP Emitters. In: 32nd International Electric Propulsion Conference.
  • Scharlemann, C./Tajmar, M./Vasiljevich, I./Buldrini, N./Krejci, D./Seifert, B. (2011): Propulsion for Nanosatellites. In: 32nd International Electric Propulsion Conference.
  • Scharlemann, C. (2011): GRASP-Analysis of green propellant candidates. In: 62nd International Astronautical Congress.
  • Scharlemann, C./Tajmar, M./Vasiljevich, I./Buldrini, N./Krejci, D./Seifert, B. (2011): Investigation of nanosatellite Propulsion Systems. In: 62nd International Astronautical Congress.
  • Pottinger, S. J./Krejc, D./Scharlemann, C. A. (2011): Pulsed Plasma Thruster Performance for Miniaturised Electrode Configurations and Low Energy Operation. In: Acta Astronautica (Hrsg.): Acta Astronautica. Acta Astronautica.